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`Birth Of Liquid Plejades' opens with unearthly and gothic cellos and minimalist low-key Rick Wright-styled somber organ that oppresses the listener. The ghostly atmosphere and sense of isolation intensifies with quirky electronic blips and alien textures, before more forceful organ starts to dominate alongside groaning howling winds that sound like souls in torment.
`Nebulous Dawn' has waves of pulsing electronics like an other-worldly heartbeat, with harsh and shuffling electrical static sounding like a predatory presence scratching at your door trying to get in. After deep cutting cello note attacks, we're transported to a bubbling ocean world, feeling like we're being immersed in an alien floatation device. The ebb and flow of the final minutes has several briefly violent and spasmodic outbursts that are highly unsettling.
A thick humming washes in and out under a very slowly strummed electric guitar, creating a sad and reflective mood for `Origin of Supernatural Probability', a sinister droning piece. Numbing glissando and a wild warping rumbling alien heartbeat pulse through a mist of cold electronics, jagged white-noise, shimmering synths and beckoning hissing voices. Very unpleasant and hypnotic.
The title track `Zeit' is full of dark and harsh textures, moaning deep-space beckoning set adrift amongst floating whispery synth lines. Moments of near-silence, ghostly wails, machine like buzz and chittering devilish voices. Much of the second half drifts towards a more gentle atmosphere, with the danger and threat mostly behind us, but still not knowing where we are, and occasionally looking back over our shoulder.
The bonus live disc that comes with the Esoteric reissue is so good that it could stand as a separate release and still be an essential purchase. A slowly evolving and deeply fascinating two part 78 minute piece, `Klangworld' is a smoky live `Ummagumma' Pink Floyd-like pulsating piece, a blur of swirling howling winds, haunted organ, humming electronics, ghostly chanted cries with occasional gentle electric guitar thrums and wild loopy effects. It's a slightly warmer and more accessible work than the cold mistress `Zeit', but is just as intense and memorable.
Many listeners will find the album dull and boring, completely devoid of anything resembling even the slightest trace of actual music, and I can understand those reactions. It works instead as a deeply ambient soundtrack, the true definition of space music. If you've never heard Tangerine Dream before, probably best to stay right away from this to begin with. Wait until you've heard other more approachable albums like `Phaedra' or `Ricochet' before attempting this highly divisive album.
`Zeit' is probably one of the unhappiest and darkest albums I've ever heard, yet there's still something oddly enveloping and gripping about the music, as it takes hold of you with it's icy fingers and refuses to let go.
Four stars.
Aussie-Byrd-Brother | 4/5 |
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Source: http://www.progarchives.com/Review.asp?id=856063
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By NBC News staff and wire reports
Proposed high-level talks between Israel and its Muslim neighbors on a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction have been called off,?The?Associated Press, citing diplomats, reported Saturday.?
The diplomats said the U.S., one of the organizers, would likely make a formal announcement soon, stating that with tensions in the region high, "the time was not opportune" for such a gathering,?AP reported.
The meeting, to be held in Helsinki by year's end, was on shaky ground since it was agreed to in 2010 by the 189 member nations of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
The decision to scrap it cast doubt on the significance of the NPT conference and its attempts every five years to advance nonproliferation.
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The diplomats demanded anonymity Saturday because they were not authorized to divulge the cancellation ahead of the formal announcement, AP reported.
However, last?Monday, The Guardian newspaper of London reported that?Israeli and Iranian officials were?taking part in two days of talks at?a nuclear non-proliferation meeting in Brussels. One participant called the European Union Non-Proliferation Consortium as "respectful and positive," the Guardian reported.
The Brussels meeting was intended to pave the way?for a full international conference in the next few months on banning nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction from the Middle East, the Guardian reported.
The?handful of officials from Israel and Iran?involved in the two-day event billed as?an academic seminar?included senior officials who had?permission of their respective governments to take part in an informal discussion with representatives from about 10 Arab states about exploring?the possibility of holding a United Nations-sponsored conference?on establishing a WMD-free zone in the Middle East.
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Iran has been under international pressure and U.S.-led sanctions to curb its nuclear program, which it says is peaceful.
Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency?and Iran are scheduled to?meet?Dec. 13 in Tehran for a new round of negotiations, an IAEA spokesman said Friday.
This story includes reporting by The Associated Press.
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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/10/15076908-middle-east-nuclear-talks-called-off?lite
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At a time when he?s supposed to be celebrating himself, 13-year-old Josh Neidorf decided to make his bar mitzvah about celebrating those who serve their country. As a result, he donated most of ?his bar mitzvah money to Operation Mend, a groundbreaking program out of UCLA that repairs extreme injuries and disfigurements in soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Before anyone shrugs off the gesture as a boy giving up the equivalent of his allowance for a good cause, rest assured Neidorf gave away much more than that. The?Associated Press?reports this child?personally donated $13,000 to the medical facility.?
Neidorf explained his decision to local news outlet, KCAL9, ?I just love knowing that it?s going somewhere to help the people who save our lives and keep us safe everyday.?
Operation Mend is a privately-funded program that was founded in 2007, by philanthropist Ron Katz. According to The Huffington Post, Katz was inspired by the news of returning vet Aaron Mankin and the dozens of surgeries he would need to repair an explosives injury to his face. ?Mankin eventually became the first Operation Mend patient.
Katz told the Post, "My wife and I soon realized that there were dozens of Aarons out there. These men and women deserve not only the best that the defense sector has to offer, they deserve the best that the private sector has to offer as well."
Though it started with plastic reconstruction, Operation Mend has expanded to include a host of other highly technical specialties including orthopedic reconstruction, airway reconstruction and mental health programs for both soldiers and their caregivers.
Veterans face some incredible odds upon their return to civilian life, chief among them being their health issues. Of the 2 million veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who?ve already returned home, the Los Angeles Times reports most endure recurring issues from physical trauma that include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), hearing loss and tinnitus, and head injuries.?
Operation Mend may be small in terms of the number of patients it can serve at any time (it will have served 72 this year), but it provides a place for our most severely injured to be treated by the nation?s most skilled medical staff using the latest in advanced techniques.
Obviously our returning soldiers are the most deserving of ample and expert medical care. But adopting veteran care as a cultural priority clearly has positive results for all of us. Children like Joshua Neidorf learn and can demonstrate real generosity and people in general come to understand we're so much stronger when we refuse to leave any of our own behind.
Are you a veteran or the loved one of a returning soldier? What would you like to see provided for them to make the transition to civilian life smoother??
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A Bay Area native, Andri Antoniades previously worked as a fashion industry journalist and medical writer.??In addition to reporting the weekend news on TakePart, she volunteers as a web editor for locally-based nonprofits and works as a freelance feature writer for?TimeOutLA.com. Email Andri | @andritweets?| TakePart.com
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/boy-donates-bar-mitzvah-money-fund-veterans-reconstructive-213259986.html
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-tears-video-thanks-campaign-staff-election-033729063.html
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DENVER (AP) ? Omayra Vasquez blinks and does a double take when asked why she voted for President Barack Obama. The reason for her was as natural as breathing.
"I feel closer to him," said Vasquez, a 43-year-old Federal Express worker from Denver. "He cares about the Spanish people."
Millions of Hispanic voters seconded that emotion Tuesday with resounding 71 percent support for Obama, tightening Democrats' grip on the White House and putting Republicans on notice that they must seriously court the nation's largest minority group if they want to win the presidency again.
According to initial exit polls, Republican candidate Mitt Romney, who backed hard-line immigration measures, came away with 27 percent Hispanic support, less than any presidential candidate in 16 years and a sharp drop from the 44 percent claimed by President George W. Bush in 2004 after he embraced immigration reform.
"We could have won this election if the party had a better brand name with Hispanics," said Al Cardenas, chairman of the American Conservative Union. "I don't believe there's a path to the White House in the future that doesn't include 38 percent-40 percent Hispanic support."
Cardenas said Hispanics were only a large part of a worrisome trend in the electorate, which is increasingly comprised of younger and minority voters who traditionally do not back Republicans. If the 1980 electorate looked like the 2012 version, he added, Jimmy Carter would have defeated Ronald Reagan.
Matt Schlapp, who was political director of George W. Bush's 2000 campaign, drew parallels between the GOP's standing with Hispanics and the party's troubles with African-Americans, who now routinely back Democrats by 9-1 margins. "The idea that we would somehow copy that with the Hispanic community is troubling," he said.
Hispanics have long favored Democrats. But they have been trending even more sharply toward that party since Republicans stymied Bush's immigration proposal and favored hard-line immigration measures that critics decried as racially motivated.
Romney tapped an author of Arizona's controversial immigration law to advise him during the GOP primaries and called for "self-deportation" to lower the number of illegal immigrants. Obama, meanwhile, announced in June that immigration authorities would grant work permits to people brought here illegally as children who graduated high school or served in the military. The directive energized a Hispanic electorate that had been disappointed by Obama's inability to pass immigration reforms.
A survey of Hispanic voters by the firm Latino Decisions found that Hispanics gave Obama his winning margin in Colorado, Florida and Nevada, swing states where they turned out in unusually high numbers. Even before the races were called, some Republicans took to the airwaves and social media calling for the party to back off its hard-line stance and embrace certain immigration reforms.
It's unclear whether the results would change the party's opposition to legalizing some illegal immigrants. In a conversation with the Des Moines Register last month, Obama predicted that GOP opposition could crumble after Hispanics delivered the White House to him. The conversation was initially off the record but later published with the president's consent.
"And since this is off the record, I will just be very blunt," Obama said. "Should I win a second term, a big reason I will win a second term is because the Republican nominee and the Republican Party have so alienated the fastest-growing demographic group in the country, the Latino community."
On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed to introduce an immigration reform package next year, saying Republicans would reject it "at their peril."
Opponents of an immigration deal warned that Republicans should not take the Democrats' bait. Steve Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies noted that Hispanics have reliably backed Democrats for decades, even after President Ronald Reagan signed an immigration amnesty in 1986 that gave many of them legal status. Those new American citizens, Camarota said, turned into Democrats.
Camarota and other supporters of immigration restrictions contend that Hispanics lean Democratic because they favor government social programs and higher taxes on the wealthy. "They changed the national electorate and now they have to move with the electorate," Camarota said of the GOP. "For 30 years that we have data, Hispanics have been voting Democratic. There's no reason to think that's going to change unless the Republican Party moves away from its low-tax, low-regulation position."
NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, whose group advocates reductions in immigration levels, argues that Republicans like Romney need to explain to Hispanic voters why immigration restrictions are in their interest. His group advocates reductions in immigration levels. "He should have talked about Hispanic unemployment and how much high immigration hurts Hispanic employment."
Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pa., an immigration hawk, agreed and said economic issues, not immigration, are key to winning Hispanics. "You should never sacrifice your core beliefs for political reasons," he said.
The debate is nothing new for the GOP.
Mario H. Lopez, president of the conservative Hispanic Leadership Fund, said he's heard arguments like that before ? after every election in which Hispanics lean more Democratic and Republicans suffer. "The clock has been ticking," Lopez said. "Some of us have been talking about it for years. It's up to them if they want to listen or have more nights like Tuesday night."
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obamas-big-hispanic-win-worries-gop-074312367--election.html
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This enterprise-wide software platform is powered by Market Leader,?a leader in online marketing and technology solutions for real estate professionals.
In addition to the robust system provided to all CENTURY 21 sales professionals at no additional cost, CENTURY 21 Business Builder will also offer advanced tools to those agents who require premium capabilities.
CENTURY 21 Business Builder is a marketing platform that will greatly enhance your communications with prospects and clients and keep CENTURY 21 Agents: Smarter. Bolder. Faster. ?CENTURY 21 agents and brokers can now activate their accounts by simply clicking on the ?Get Started? link on the 21Online.com homepage.
Source: http://blog.century21.com/2012/10/build-your-business-with-century-21-and-market-leader/
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ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) ? Researchers from North Carolina State University and IBM Research have developed a new natural language processing tool that businesses or other customers can use to ensure that software developers have a clear idea of the security policies to be incorporated into new software products.
Specifically, the research focuses on access control policies (ACPs), which are the security requirements that software developers need to bear in mind when developing new software. For example, an ACP for a university grading program needs to allow professors to give grades to students, but should not allow students to change the grades.
"These ACPs are important, but are often buried amidst a lengthy list of other requirements that customers give to developers," says Dr. Tao Xie, an associate professor of computer science at NC State and co-author of a paper on the research. These requirements are written in "natural language," which is the conversational language that people use when talking or corresponding via the written word.
Incomplete or inaccurate ACP requirements can crop up, for example, if the customer writing the ACP requirements makes a mistake or doesn't have enough technical know-how to accurately describe a program's security needs.
A second problem is that programmers may misinterpret some ACP requirements, or overlook them entirely.
In collaboration with IBM Research, Xie's research team has developed a solution that uses a natural language processing program to extract the ACP requirements from a customer's overall list of requirements and translate it into machine-readable language that computers can understand and enforce.
After the ACPs are extracted, they can be run through Access Control Policy Tool (ACPT) -- also developed in Xie's research team in collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) -- which verifies and tests the ACPs and determines whether the ACP requirements are adequate to meet the security needs of the program.
Once the ACP requirements have been translated into machine-readable language, they can also be incorporated into a policy-enforcement "engine" in the final software product -- which ensures that ACPs cannot be overlooked by programmers.
"In general, developing a program that understands natural language text is very challenging," Xie says. "However, ACP requirements in software documents usually follow a certain style, using terms such as 'cannot be edited' or 'does not have the ability to edit.' Because ACPs tend to use such a limited number of phrases, it is much easier to develop a program that effectively translates natural language texts in this context."
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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/OMwt4-xby1E/121030210353.htm
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A family photo taken at Stone Harbor from 1972. "My grandparents had kept a house there for many years, sharing it with aunts/uncles and cousins during the summer months. Some of my best memories growing up were from 'down the shore.'"
"Ocean City, NJ, my childhood summer home. This photo is from 1965 or 1966."
Tracie Brennan in 1967 or ?68, ready to take part in the 4th of July races at 59th Street in Ocean City, NJ.
"Here [I am] in a photo with my 'summer friends' who I never saw other than at the shore, but we wrote letters all winter." Taken in Ocean City, NJ.
Kevin Norte, pictured here with his grandmother Eleanor, in Seaside Heights, NJ in 1995.
HuffPost's Executive Projects Editor David Flumenbaum playing paddleball with New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley in Harvey Cedars, Long Beach Island circa 1989.
We rented the same house every summer on 12th and Ocean. I could sit on my balcony and drink my morning coffee watching the waves, smelling the wonderful ocean, enjoying the total relaxation that only the NJ shore can serve up. Early morning bike rides on the boards, crabbing or just watching the city wake up was our daily ritual. We spent long days on the beach, bringing pizza down from the boardwalk, eating dinner on the beach as the sun was setting, We would head home, shower and hit the boardwalk for a night of strolling, eating all kinds of goodies, meeting up with friends and watching the moon rise over the ocean. My children, although grown now, remember those summers with tremendous fondness, Our hearts are broken thinking our beloved Ocean City suffered. Our hope is the NJ shore will be once again be the same wonderful place for families to make memories as it was for us.
Taken in Margate, NJ.
Huff/Post50 associate editor Anthonia Akitunde with friends at Cape May, NJ in 2012.
Flashbacks arcade, Seaside Heights, NJ. Taken in 2009.
Cape May, NJ.
Taken in Cape May, NJ.
Taken in Cape May, NJ.
Taken in Cape May, NJ.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Seaside Heights, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Lavalette, NJ in 1993.
Taken in Bay Head, NJ in 1978.
Taken in Bay Head, NJ in 1978.
"We've had a house down in Mantoloking for about 10 years and now as we see the pictures of what used to be our 'slice of heaven,' as I called it, or my husband would always say 'It doesn't suck here.'"
Taken in Mantoloking, NJ.
Photo taken at The Water's Edge beach club, Sea Bright, NJ in 2004.
Photo taken at The Water's Edge beach club, Sea Bright, 2006.
Bay Head, NJ, 2008.
Bay Head, NJ 2008.
Bay Head, NJ, 2008.
Bay Head, NJ, 2008.
Photo taken at The Water's Edge beach club, Sea Bright, 2003.
This Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 photo provided by the U.S. Air Force shows an aerial view of the roller coaster from the Seaside Heights amusement park on the New Jersey shore submerged in surf, taken during a search and rescue mission by 1-150 Assault Helicopter Battalion, New Jersey Army National Guard. By late Tuesday, the winds and flooding inflicted by the fast-weakening superstorm Sandy had subsided, leaving at least 55 people dead along the Atlantic Coast and splintering beachfront homes and boardwalks from the mid-Atlantic states to southern New England. (AP Photo/U.S. Air Force, Master Sgt. Mark C. Olsen)
Taken in Mantoloking, NJ.
Taken in Mantoloking, NJ.
Taken in Mantoloking, NJ.
Taken August 2012 in Bay Head, NJ.
Bay Head Yacht Club, taken August 2012 in Bay Head, NJ.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/31/chris-christie-hurricane-sandy-jersey-shore_n_2049267.html
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