Thursday, August 2, 2012

Participation and Facility Program | bulletpoint

Participation and Facility Program

$50,000 is available to upgrade sport and recreation facilities to support increased participation.


This Participation and Facility Program aims to increase regular and on-going participation opportunities in sport and recreation
There are two distinct project types within the Participation and Facility Program, these being:

  1. Participation projects ? that deliver a sport or physical activity participation experience to an identified group of people
  2. Facility development projects ? building new or upgrading sport and recreation facilities to support increased participation.

Applicants will be required to identify upfront the type of project for which they are applying as different information is required for different project types, for example information confirming planning consent and quotes is required for a facility project type.


Participation objectives are to:

1.?? Deliver a program or service that will assist people to become more active through participation in sport and/or recreation, and/or

2.?? Build the capacity of the organisation to enhance the provision of sport and recreation services, and/or

3.?? Provide accreditation or training to develop the skills of volunteers to enable sport, recreation and structured physical activity programs to be conducted in locations across NSW.

Facility Development objectives are to:

1.?? Improve safety at sport and recreation facilities, and/or

2.?? Improve amenities at sport and recreation facilities, and/or

3.?? Develop environmentally sustainable sport and recreation facilities.


Participation and Facility Program grants are capped at $10,000 for participation projects and $50,000 for facility projects . Participation and Facility Program funding is available for projects throughout NSW.

Organisations may apply for multiple projects or project types; however the maximum available to any one organisation is $50,000 in a financial year. The amount organisations request should reflect the scale of the Participation and Facility Program project.

Organisations must contribute 50% or more to the project. This can include voluntary labour, donated materials and/or equipment or other resources. It is expected that the applicant will cover any administration costs incurred with the project.

Participation and Facility Program funding should be expended within 18 months of the date of signing the funding agreement.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants for the Participation and Facility Program must be:

  • NSW incorporated, community based not-for-profit organisations
  • NSW Local Government Authorities operating under the Local Government Act, 1993 (Council committees must apply under Council registration after gaining approval from Council)

Ineligible applicants for the Participation and Facility Program include:

  • Individuals, groups of individuals and unincorporated organisations
  • For profit, commercial organisations
  • Government departments and agencies
  • Educational institutions including schools, universities, TAFE colleges and child care centres

Eligible Expenditure

Projects eligible to be funded through the Participation and Facility Program for Participation include:

  • Costs associated with overcoming a barrier to participation for a disadvantaged group e.g. subsidised registration, equipment, uniforms, modified equipment or specific training programs
  • Training costs that will lead to increased and/or improved participation opportunities e.g. costs associated with volunteers gaining required education and accreditation to enable them to provide services to people with a disability
  • Costs associated with providing a sport, recreation or structured physical activity service to a new location, community or specific community group
  • Development of new systems and processes that will increase the capacity of a community organisation to provide participation opportunities e.g. translation of promotional material into a different language

Participation and Facility Program funds may be sought for direct costs involved in delivering the project such as lecturer or presenter fees and equipment. Reasonable venue hire and meal costs may also be considered.

Note that no more than 50% of project expenditure may be used on each of the following items:

  • clothing/uniforms
  • equipment costs

Projects eligible to be funded through the Participation and Facility Program for Facility Development include:

  • Construction of new fixed and portable facilities and infrastructure including capital equipment with a life expectancy of 15+ years
  • Enhancement of existing facilities e.g. watering systems, safety netting, lighting and upgrade of surfaces
  • Provision of ancillary facilities at established facilities e.g. sun protection shelters, change rooms, shower and toilet blocks
  • Projects that have received development consent from the respective Council or can demonstrate that such consent is not required

Participation and Facility Program applications for either project type must clearly demonstrate an identified need for the project and articulate how the project outcomes will be achieved.


Ineligible Expenditure

For Participation Projects:

  • Wages for administrative and executive staff
  • Administration costs
  • One off projects that do not result in ongoing outcomes
  • Projects that have already been completed
  • Rental of office premises
  • Office equipment (e.g. computers, printers, photocopiers etc)
  • Capital work costs (e.g. establishment or maintenance of facilities and sporting fields)
  • Capital equipment (e.g. boats, canoes, storage containers)
  • Maintenance or replacement costs through normal wear and tear to existing facilities (eg. facility upgrades)
  • Travel and accommodation
  • Cost of appearance fees, prize money, trophies or presentation functions
  • Fixed equipment such as signage or shade structures

For Facility Development:

  • Purchase of land
  • General maintenance or replacement through normal wear and tear (e.g. painting, running costs and minor repairs to existing facilities)
  • Equipment (e.g. computers, printers, sports equipment, flagpoles)
  • Projects that have already commenced or been completed
  • Projects that involve the development of private or commercial ventures including licensed areas of registered clubs
  • Projects that provide little or no public benefit
  • Construction or sealing of car parks or roads
  • Projects that are the responsibility of another Ministerial portfolio
  • Projects that are in the planning phase and yet to receive development consent from Council

Expert Assistance

Writing a good quality grant application is a critical element in the application process. An application needs to be well thought through, written concisely, have clear objectives and purpose, and show clear links to the objectives of the grant guidelines.

The grant application must answer all questions, provide all required information and respond to the merit criteria. It should also reflect your organisation?s business strategy.

Writing a good application takes time and effort, and requires particular writing skills. Writing a good application takes time and effort, and requires particular writing skills.

Bulletpoint are expert grant consultants and can assist with all aspects of grant preparation.

Call us on (03) 9005 6789 or email to discuss further.

We can assist with demonstrating:

1.?? The project will deliver one or both of the program?s overall objectives and project type specific objective/s effectively if provided

2.?? The project will meet an identified need effectively

3.?? The applicant organisation demonstrates the capacity and experience to deliver the project. Evidence of project partners will be considered as adding to your capacity to deliver the project

4.?? The budget is reasonable and cost effective

More Information

Opening date: 2 August 2012
Closing date: 3 September 2012
Opening date: 21 January 2013
Closing date: 26 February 2013

Guidelines ? Participation and Facility Program

Posted on 2nd August 2012 - No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of the information presented above


MC Chris

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