Wednesday, July 31, 2013

City of Secrets Re Done

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City of Secrets Re Done

This is a re start to a game I started awhile ago before I lost my information


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I'm not positive if I must ask, but may I have Ruby? Kindly reply and I'll post my character sheet.

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The curious thing about lightning strikes and men

Men are more than five times more likely to be killed by lightning strikes in the United States than women, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control.

A total of 3,389 Americans were killed by lightning from 1968 through 2010, according to the CDC. Of them, 85 percent were male, the CDC said. A similar report, released in 1998, found that 85 percent of those killed by lightning from 1980 through 1995 were male. (The CDC excluded deaths indirectly caused by lightning, including fires and fallen trees, from the total.)

The center did not offer a reason for the disproportionate number of lightning deaths for men, saying only that the number of deaths for both males and females from lightning is declining.

From 1968 to 2010, deaths from lightning in the United States decreased 78.6 percent among males and 70.6 percent among females, according to data culled from the National Vital Statistics System. During the 43-year period, an average of 79 lightning deaths per year was recorded, with the most coming in 1969, when 131 people were struck and killed.

The CDC did not publish data on the number of lightning strike survivors, like Michael McQuilken, who in 1975 was struck along with his brother and several other hikers in Sequoia National Park.

McQuilken wrote about his experience earlier this year:

My brothers Sean and Jeff, my sister Mary and her friend Margie, and I were on our way to the top of Moro Rock, a rounded exfoliation dome and one of the favorite attractions in the park. The sky was overcast with patches of dark clouds, and there was light, intermittent rain. Shortly after we reached the top and were enjoying the view with about six other visitors, someone noticed that our hair was standing on end. At the time, we thought this was humorous. I took a photo of Mary, and then Mary took a photo of Sean and me. I raised my right hand into the air and the ring I had on began to buzz so loudly that everyone could hear it. Everyone was in a jovial mood, even laughing, at the site of our hair sticking up. No one realized what was happening and that we were all in great danger of a lightning strike. All of a sudden I felt a strong drop in the temperature. At one moment it was 65 to 70 degrees, and the next moment it felt like it was below freezing. There was no wind, but it immediately started to hail. We decided to get down off of the rock, not for fear of lightning, but to avoid the pelting hail.
About halfway down, Moro Rock and a smaller granite prominence converge, producing a narrow saddle. When Sean reached this point, I was about 10 feet behind him, with Mary, Margie and Jeff behind me. Suddenly, I was immersed in the brightest light I have ever seen. I moved my head from side to side and all I could see was bright white light, similar in appearance to arc welding light. This next part is strange. I distinctly remember feeling weightless, and that my feet were no longer touching the ground. For some reason, it felt like a number of seconds transpired, even though I realize that lightning strikes are instantaneous. A deafening explosion followed, and I found myself on the ground with the others. Sean was collapsed and huddled on his knees. Smoke was pouring from his back. I rushed over to him and checked his pulse and breathing. He was still alive. I put out the embers on his back and elbows and carried him down the path towards the parking lot, with the rest of the group following.
We had almost reached the parking lot when we found a woman beating furiously on her husband?s chest. His skin was blue and there was a small burn mark near his heart. Mary and the others took Sean down to the parking lot and I stayed and helped with CPR until the paramedics arrived. Unfortunately, the man, Lawrence Brady, died.
Another man who was struck by lightning survived, "but the camera he was holding was blown into quarter-inch fragments, and his clothing had disintegrated ? leaving only the seams of his jacket and pants. All of the hair on his body was completely burned off."


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Former Sen. Harry Byrd Jr. of Virginia dies

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) ? Former Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr., the Democrat-turned-independent who began his career as a staunch segregationist and preached fiscal restraint in Washington long before it became fashionable, has died. He was 98.

Byrd's son, Tom Byrd, is president and publisher of The Winchester Star, which first reported the death. Tom Byrd's office confirmed that the former senator died Tuesday.

Byrd served 17 years in the U.S. Senate, replacing his powerful father, Harry Flood Byrd, a U.S. senator from 1933 until failing health forced him to retire in late 1965. Gov. Albertis Harrison appointed the younger Byrd, a longtime state senator who, like his father, supported segregation.

In 1966, Byrd won a special election for the remaining years of his father's term. Switching from Democrat to independent, Byrd won re-election in 1970 and 1976.

Even as an independent, Byrd got more votes than the Democratic and Republican candidates combined. It was only the second time an independent won a U.S. Senate seat.

"It's a hard way to run, but if you can win that way it's the best way to win," Byrd later said. "You're totally free of obligations to anybody. ... You don't have to follow a party line."

He made a career of preaching the value of fiscal restraint. He claimed Congress could balance the budget if it could just hold annual spending increases to the 3 percent to 5 percent range and even criticized President Reagan military buildup as "giving the Pentagon the impression it has a blank check."

When he retired in 1982, Byrd said he was leaving public service with his convictions and integrity intact, but with regret that "Congress refuses to obey its own law which mandates a balanced budget."

Both Byrds supported Virginia's stand against desegregation, including the decision to push "massive resistance" ? even school closings ? to fight the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education. In 1956, he had called the ruling an "unwarranted usurpation of power" by the court.

He told The Washington Post in 1982 that he had "personally hated" to see schools close, but even those many years later he didn't disavow massive resistance and suggested it helped the state avoid racial violence.

"It is one thing to sit here in 1982 and say what was done in 1954 was a mistake," he said. "It may or may not have been, because you have to look at it in the context of the times. When you have to make a very dramatic change, sometimes, most times, that needs to be done maybe over a period of time and not abruptly."

Byrd often indicated that switching from the Democratic Party to become the Senate's only independent was a philosophical move. He insisted he had not suffered for it, retaining his ranking positions on various key committees and subcommittees.

Larry Sabato, a government professor at the University of Virginia, has said Byrd's move had both national and state implications.

"It was a harbinger of the decline of partisan identification that took place in the 1970s and 1980s all across the country," Sabato said. "In Virginia, it helped bring conservatives from the Democratic Party into the Republican Party. Byrd first helped them stop voting Democrat. It was a half-step."

Byrd said he left the party after state Democrats required all candidates to sign a loyalty oath supporting all Democratic candidates, including the nominee for president two years later, George McGovern. Byrd said their political philosophies were too far apart to support McGovern.

Byrd said he already was becoming disillusioned with the liberal direction the party was taking. Republicans tried to woo him, but his mind was made up.

"I always felt in my political life, a person needs to be consistent and do what he says he's going to do and not shift around too much," Byrd said.

In the book "The Byrds of Virginia," Alden Hatch wrote that the younger Byrd ? who strongly resembled his father ? was stymied rather than helped by his father's fame.

The book quoted the Danville Register as saying upon Byrd's appointment: "All familiar with Virginia public affairs ... have been aware that Harry F. Byrd Jr. worked under rather heavy wraps. He was restrained from seeking statewide office, for which he has been mentioned often over the past dozen years, by his own sensibilities."

Byrd was born in Winchester on Dec. 20, 1914. His first memory of politics was at age 10 during his father's campaign for governor.

"He would use me as a sounding board, thinking out loud," Byrd said. "I didn't always know what he was talking about, but it got me interested in politics."

Byrd graduated from Virginia Military Institute and the University of Virginia and served as a lieutenant commander in the Navy during World War II.

At a testimonial dinner for Byrd after the senator announced his retirement, then-Vice President George H.W. Bush declared: "Harry Byrd has hammered out a compact and solid and shining piece of work a first-rate career of service to his state and nation."

Bush said Byrd had clout on the Senate floor.

"When he has seen a wayward spending proposal or a needless extension of federal power take flight, he has brought it down as if he were at a pheasant shoot," Bush said at the 1982 dinner.

The Virginia Byrds were not related to the former longtime Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who died in 2010.


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Mexico keeps constant eye on Popocatepetl volcano

MEXICO CITY (AP) ? In a clean, hushed room in the south of Mexico City, cameras, computer screens and scrawling needles track the symptoms of a special patient, as they have every second of every day for the past two decades. The monitors indicate that ?Don Goyo? is breathing normally, even as he spews hot rock, steam and ash.

That kind of activity isn?t unusual for the 15,000-foot (4,500-meter) volcano, Mexico?s second-highest, whose formal name is Popocatepetl, or ?Smoking Mountain? in the Aztec language Nahuatl. But this volcano, personified first as a warrior in Aztec legend and now as an old man grumbling with discontent, is in the middle of two metro areas, where his every spurt can put 20 million people on edge.

Mexico?s National Disaster Prevention Center laboratory keeps a round-the-clock watch on Popocatepetl, with anywhere from six to 15 technicians analyzing data for signs of a full-scale eruption, which they can never fully anticipate.

Though lava or glowing rock would only travel so far, an explosion could be deadly for 11,000 people in three farming villages within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of the base because of landslides and hot gas. A spectacular plume of ash could also wreak havoc on one of the world?s largest metro areas, much as it did in 2003, when the sky over Mexico City more than 40 miles (65 kilometers) away nearly went dark in the middle of the afternoon. The neighboring city of Puebla on the other side of the volcano from the capital would also be clouded over.

?The volcano is like a patient, and we observe the different aspects,? said the center?s technical director Gilberto Castelan. ?Here we receive over 60 indicators in real time.?

The 20-by-30-foot (6-by-9-meter) laboratory resembles those that once housed old giant supercomputers, everything plain white with a server at one end and screens all around. Five remote-controlled cameras positioned on the side of the mountain emit real-time images, while sensors feed data to the constantly scrolling seismographs as the crew and volcanologists analyze the concentration of gases and changes in the shape of the mountain. The loudest laboratory sound is a regular ping that alerts technicians to every seismic shift, at least a half dozen an hour.

The data helps set the ?volcano stoplight,? a three-color system in which green means little activity, yellow means warning and red starts the evacuation process ? something that has occurred only twice since 1994, when the volcano awoke again after sitting dormant for seven decades.

?It?s one of the most advanced laboratories of its kind in the world, and the scientists in charge are using the best methods,? said Michael Sheridan, a volcanologist at the University of Buffalo in New York who has studied Popocatepetl. ?It is very difficult to predict the behavior of a volcano that has not had an eruption in recent history.?

Earlier this month, Popocatepetl released ash that grounded plane flights and dusted cars, but it quieted down enough last week for the warning to drop from yellow-3 to yellow-2. The Mexican government has designated evacuation routes and shelter locations in the case of a bigger explosion.

Popocatepetl, nicknamed Popo or Don Goyo, is a stratovolcano, a steep conical formation built from layers of thick, slow-moving lava and ash ? the same type as Mount St. Helens in Washington state, scene of a 1980 eruption that was the most deadly in the U.S., killing 57 people.

Mexico?s disaster prevention center says Popo has been active for at least 500,000 years and has had at least three eruptions as large as Mount St. Helens, the most recent 23,000 years ago. Unlike Hawaiian volcanos and their rivers of lava, the biggest dangers for those nearby are mudslides and swift-moving clouds of gas. For those farther away, it?s the ash, which can ruin motors, stall airplanes, cover roofs with material heavy enough to make buildings collapse and cause respiratory diseases.

?Considering the number of people who would be affected, it could be considered among the most dangerous volcanos in the world,? said Ramon Espinasa, director of geological hazards for the disaster prevention center.

According to Mexican legend, Popocatepetl was a warrior who sought the hand of Iztaccihuatl, a fair maiden whose reluctant father told her that her suitor had died in battle. The ?Romeo and Juliet?-style tale ends with the lovers turning into twin mountains east of Mexico City. The dormant peak of Iztaccihuatl has since become part of a national park, while access to Popocatepetl is closed off.

Don Goyo, meanwhile, is the nickname for Gregory, a character who supposedly was the spirit of the volcano and would come to warn the locals of eruptions or to assure them that the mountain, despite plumes of smoke, was calm.

Today that?s Castelan?s job. He and his crew of technicians don?t have much to say about the myths or legends, preferring to stick to the hard data in their laboratory, which opened right after Popo?s reawakening two decades ago. At the time, Mexico was about to plunge into one of its worst economic crises. Since then, Mexicans say the eruptions are just Don Goyo showing his discontent with the course of his country, including blowing off smoke and ash a year ago, just before the presidential election.

Castelan prefers to look to the sensors to read Don Goyo?s thoughts. The trick is monitoring the crater, where it?s too hot for instruments, and that?s where the seismographs offer clues.

Some tremors indicate an internal buildup of magma, while others result from expulsions of rock and ash. At times the only way to really see what?s going on inside is to fly over the crater, something Mexican officials do regularly, feeding the laboratory more data.

The technicians are especially watchful of lava domes that can form inside the crater in hours, days or weeks, creating a pressurized cap.

The domes usually grow and then collapse. But they could also harden into a sort of bottle-stopper, allowing pressure to build until the volcano violently dislodges the cap in an explosion. What seems to be happening with Popo is lava settling inside, bringing the crater floor closer and closer to the rim, Castelan said.

?The volcano becomes more dangerous as the crater fills with lava, and the domes that form are closer in elevation to the crater rim,? Sheridan told The Associated Press in an email. ?Explosions can more easily throw red hot lava fragments over the rim and onto the volcano flanks.?

In 2000, Popo?s floor was 150 yards (meters) below the rim of the crater, compared to 50 yards (meters) today, he said. In the case of Mount St. Helens, the summit slid away and a new crater was formed, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Mount St. Helens? huge eruption came just 15 to 20 seconds after a 5.1 magnitude quake.

Castelan, a 42-year-old father of three, has worked in the laboratory since 1997 and steadily moved up to technical director. The job has meant days without going home, or tending to equipment failures on nights and weekends.

Sometimes he thinks, ?Not again,? when he?s called while off duty. But he said he does the work gladly because he knows how important it is that the people in the shadows of Popo stay alerted and safe.

?It?s a very important relationship that we?ve established,? he said. ?We take care of this volcano.?


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Hillary Clinton to get documentary treatment

FILE - This July 16, 2013 file photo shows former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing the 51st Delta Sigma Theta National Convention in Washington. NBC announced Saturday, July 27, that actress Diane Lane will star as the former first lady and secretary of state in a four-hour miniseries, "Hillary." (AP Photo/Cliff Owen, File)

FILE - This July 16, 2013 file photo shows former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing the 51st Delta Sigma Theta National Convention in Washington. NBC announced Saturday, July 27, that actress Diane Lane will star as the former first lady and secretary of state in a four-hour miniseries, "Hillary." (AP Photo/Cliff Owen, File)

(AP) ? Hillary Rodham Clinton's life is getting the documentary treatment.

CNN Films said Monday that it plans a feature-length film on the former first lady and secretary of state to premiere next year. It will look at Clinton's professional and personal lives.

The film from Oscar-winning director and producer Charles Ferguson will have a theatrical run before airing on CNN.

Last weekend, NBC announced the four-hour miniseries "Hillary" starring Diane Lane. No air date was announced, but it is timed to precede the 2016 presidential election.

Clinton hasn't said whether she'll make another run for the Democratic nomination for president.

NBC says the miniseries will track Clinton's life and career from 1998 to the present.

Associated Press


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Oil slips below $104 ahead of Fed, jobs data

The Associated Press

LONDON (AP) -- The price of oil fell below $104 a barrel on Tuesday as traders awaited comments from central banks as well as data releases later in the week, including U.S. jobs figures.

Benchmark oil for September delivery was down 64 cents to $103.91 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 15 cents to close at $104.55 on Tuesday. Brent crude, the benchmark for international crudes, fell 19 cents to $107.26 on the ICE Futures exchange in London.

Losses were kept in check as traders waited for the Federal Reserve to give its latest appraisal of the U.S. economy and whether a change to the central bank's stimulus strategy is warranted. Fed officials are meeting Tuesday and Wednesday in Washington.

The Fed has been buying $85 billion of financial assets a month in an attempt to keep long-term borrowing rates low and help shore up the U.S. economic recovery. However, the Fed is widely expected to wind down the program later this year if the economy improves.

Oil prices have gotten a boost from the low interest rates, which have made commodities like oil more attractive as investments.

On Friday, the release of employment data for July will be examined for hints about future energy demand in the world's No. 1 economy.

"We'll look to position ourselves for Friday's number and get a better gauge on how fast demand is growing and going," Carl Larry of Oil Outlooks and Opinions said in a commentary. "I think that demand is definitely more correlated to the number of people working, which in turn leads to a lot more drivers."

Traders are also looking to see whether the Energy Department will report another draw in oil supplies after a surprisingly large drop of 30 million barrels over the past month.

Oil supplies remain high compared with the five-year average, even after the monthlong reduction, so most traders say it is more likely that oil prices will soon fall than rise.

In other trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange:

-- Wholesale gasoline rose 0.2 cents to $2.9797 a gallon.

-- Heating oil fell 0.4 cent to $3.0125 a gallon.

-- Natural gas fell 3 cents to $3.4420 per 1,000 cubic feet.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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[unable to retrieve full-text content]The deadly condition known as pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), which afflicts up to 150,000 Americans each year, may be reversible by using an inhalable gene therapy, report medical researchers.


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Specialized University of Alberta arthritis clinic set to close

EDMONTON - A specialized clinic treating about 1,000 arthritis patients at the University of Alberta Hospital will be closed shortly as a cost-saving measure by Alberta Health Services.

Patients will be able to get the physiotherapy they need at other clinics in the community, said AHS spokesman Kerry Williamson. AHS will ensure that they all have proper care before the clinic is closed, he added.

It?s unclear how much will be saved by the closure, but under tight finances, ?that is the reality we face,? said Williams.

But experts connected to the clinic say the closure will result in a loss of expertise in the unique team approach developed over many years at the clinic, and that patient care could suffer.

?We?re disappointed within the rheumatology community,? said Dr. Joanne Homik, director for rheumatology at the U of A medical school.

?This clinic has done some great teamwork and developed the expertise that is unique to our patient community.?

Physical and occupational therapists worked with doctors and pharmacists to treat symptoms and educate patients on how to manage inflammatory arthritis, a chronic disease.

While there are a lot of good physiotherapists in the region, the question is whether they will use the different approach required for successful treatment of arthritis patients, said Homik. He added that the U of A clinic takes a ?total-body approach,? as opposed to treating a single injury.

Homik said she?s still looking at other options to keep some of the team work alive, especially the patient education aspects that help people manage their disease.

?It may be possible to transfer some of the programs to another centre, such as the Glenrose,? she said.

?I really hope we can find a way to keep some of this together. We are being given time to explore some options.?

About nine people ? some part time ? will be laid off, but they will all be offered jobs within the health-care system, said Williams.

?We are confident there won?t be any job losses.?

AHS did hear concerns about the loss of expertise from the arthritis community, said Williamson. But treatment options are available in the community so there is no need to keep the specialized clinic in operation.

The move seems a step backward, said Bernadette Martin, a U of A professor who oversees curriculum for physiotherapy students.

The clinic is a leader in developing ways to help patients manage their chronic disease and in modelling the team approach to medicine that is so successful with chronic disease, she said.

?They?ve been a high-functioning team ? they offered education and self-management for those with chronic disease,? said Martin.

?How much was this care keeping people out of emergency wards, that?s the question,?

It was also a great place to send student interns to learn best practices, she added.


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FBI raids rescue 105 kids forced into prostitution

Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division, speaks during a news conference at FBI headquarters in Washington, Monday, July 29, 2013, about "Operation Cross Country." The FBI says the operation rescued 105 children who were forced into prostitution in the US and arrested 150 people it described as pimps and others in a series of raids in 76 American cities. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division, speaks during a news conference at FBI headquarters in Washington, Monday, July 29, 2013, about "Operation Cross Country." The FBI says the operation rescued 105 children who were forced into prostitution in the US and arrested 150 people it described as pimps and others in a series of raids in 76 American cities. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division, speaks during a news conference at FBI headquarters in Washington, Monday, July 29, 2013, about "Operation Cross Country." The FBI says the operation rescued 105 children who were forced into prostitution in the US and arrested 150 people it described as pimps and others in a series of raids in 76 American cities. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Authorities rescued 105 children who were forced into prostitution and arrested 150 pimps and others in a three-day law enforcement sweep in 76 American cities, the FBI said Monday. The victims, almost all girls, range in age from 13 to 17.

The largest numbers of children rescued were in San Francisco, Detroit, Milwaukee, Denver and New Orleans. The campaign, known as Operation Cross Country, was conducted under the FBI's Innocence Lost initiative.

"Child prostitution remains a persistent threat to children across the country," Ron Hosko, assistant director of the bureau's criminal investigative division, told a press conference.

The FBI said the campaign has resulted in rescuing 2,700 children since 2003.

The investigations and convictions of 1,350 have led to life imprisonment for 10 pimps and the seizure of more than $3.1 million in assets.

For the past decade, the FBI has been attacking the problem in partnership with a non-profit group, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

John Ryan, the head of the center, called the problem "an escalating threat against America's children."

The Justice Department has estimated that nearly 450,000 children run away from home each year and that one-third of teens living on the street will be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home.

Congress has introduced legislation that would require state law enforcement, foster care and child welfare programs to identify children lured into sex trafficking as victims of abuse and neglect eligible for the appropriate protections and services.

"In much of the country today if a girl is found in the custody of a so-called pimp she is not considered to be a victim of abuse, and that's just wrong and defies common sense," Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said during a Senate Finance Committee hearing last month. Wyden co-sponsored the bill with Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio.

Associated Press


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Growth of Global Solar and Wind Energy Continues to Outpace ...

Solar and wind continue to dominate investment in new renewable capacity. Global use of solar and wind energy grew significantly in 2012. Solar power consumption increased by?58 percent, to 93 terrawatt-hours (TWh), while wind power increased by 18.1 percent, to 521.3 TWh.


Global investment in solar energy in 2012 was?$140.4 billion, an 11 percent decline from 2011, and wind investment was down 10.1 percent, to $80.3 billion. Due to lower costs for both technologies, however, total installed capacities still grew sharply.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) installed capacity grew?by 41 percent in 2012, reaching 100 gigawatts (GW). Installed PV capacity has grown by 900 percent since 2007. The countries with the most installed PV capacity today are Germany (32.4 GW), Italy (16.4 GW), the United States (7.2 GW), and China (7.0 GW). Concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) capacity reached 2.55 GW, with 970 megawatts (MW) alone added in 2012.

Europe remains dominant in solar, accounting for 76 percent of global solar power use in 2012. Germany alone accounted for 30 percent of the world?s solar power consumption, and Italy added the third most capacity of any country in 2012 (3.4 GW). Spain added the most CSP capacity (950 MW) in 2012 as well.?However, Italy reached the subsidy cap for its feed-in tariff (FIT) program in June 2013, while Spain recently made a retroactive change in its FIT policies, meaning that growth in solar energy will likely slow in these countries in the near future.

The Asia-Pacific region now accounts for 17 percent of global solar use, leaving it behind only Europe. Solar consumption grew by 69.5 percent in the region in 2012, and Japan (6.7 percent of the world total) and China (4.9 percent) are now among the?top five global solar energy consumers.

Due to slowing global economic growth, easing demand, and oversupply, there were significant net losses in the Chinese PV industry, which supplies more than half of the world market. The net losses have been exacerbated by growing trade wars between China and both the European Union (EU) and the United States after they accused Chinese companies of dumping solar panels on their markets. Overall, the United States added 3.3 GW of solar to reach a total installed capacity of 8.04 GW in 2012.

Total installed wind capacity edged up in?2012 by 45 GW to a total of 284 GW. In keeping with recent years, the majority of new installed capacity was concentrated in China and the United States, which reached total installed capacities of 75.3 GW and 60 GW, respectively.

The United States was the world?s top wind market in 2012, adding 13.1 GW. Increased domestic manufacturing of wind turbine parts, improved technological efficiency, and lower costs helped spur this increase, but the greatest catalyst was the threat of expiration of the federal Production Tax Credit (PTC)?which provides tax credits for kilowatt-hours produced by wind turbines?at the end of 2012.

The EU remained the dominant region for wind power, surpassing the 100 GW milestone and reaching a?total installed capacity of 106 GW in 2012?37.5 percent of the world?s market. Germany and Spain remained Europe?s largest wind markets, increasing their total installed capacity to 31.3 GW and 22.8 GW, respectively, and wind now accounts?for 11.4 percent of the EU?s total installed generation capacity.

Asia?s 15.5 GW of new installed wind capacity, the highest of any region in 2012, ensured that it remains on the heels of the EU with a total installed capacity of 97.6 GW. And while China?s?20.8 percent increase maintains the country?s regional dominance, India showed respectable gains by adding 2.3 GW to bring its total installed capacity to 18.4 GW.

Latin America also saw significant growth in installed wind capacity, with Brazil growing from 2.3 GW to 3.5 GW. Political instability continued to slow growth in Africa and the Middle East, but installed capacity grew by 9.3 percent to 1,135 MW in 2012. Sub-Saharan Africa looks poised to lead the way in 2013 as South Africa continues making progress on over 500 MW of new wind power capacity.

While policy uncertainties and changes will likely challenge the growth of solar and wind in the future, these technologies are well poised to grow. Declining solar technology prices, while challenging for current manufacturers, are helping solar to reach near grid-parity in many markets with renewed interests in the CSP sector as well. With the decreasing cost of constructing and maintaining wind farms, wind power is already cost competitive with conventional power energy sources in many markets.


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Florida propane plant blast was likely accidental, fire chief says

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - A propane gas plant explosion in central Florida that injured seven workers, including at least three critically, was most likely caused by an accident, the fire chief for the town of Tavares said on Tuesday.

"We don't think there was any act of sabotage or anything like that," the Orlando Sentinel quoted Fire Chief Richard Keith as saying. "It was probably a human or equipment error."

Dozens of explosions rocked the Blue Rhino plant in Tavares on Monday night, sending columns of flames into the sky. Blue Rhino is part of the Ferrellgas company and the plant in the town of Tavares northwest of Orlando takes old propane cylinders, refurbishes them and then refills and sells them.

There were about 53,000 20-gallon propane tanks on the site when a fire started, setting off a chain reaction of explosions. The three bulk tanks on the property ? which hold 90,000 gallons of propane each ? did not ignite in the fire, whose origin was undetermined, Keith said.

Of the seven workers injured, the three in critical condition from burns were taken to a hospital. About two dozen workers were in the plant when the explosions started and all have been accounted for, investigators said.

Residents living within a mile of the plant were evacuated after the fire started but were allowed to return about three hours later. Many initially thought they heard fireworks as cylinder after cylinder exploded.

(Reporting by Barbara Liston and Jane Sutton; Editing by Kenneth Barry)


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Pakistani lawmakers vote for new president

ISLAMABAD (AP) -- Pakistani lawmakers began voting for the country's new president Tuesday in an election that has been marred by controversy over procedure and concern about overreach by the country's powerful judiciary, although there is widespread agreement that the ruling party's candidate will likely win.

The vote followed a late night attack by dozens of Taliban militants on a prison in northwest Pakistan, illustrating one of the major challenges the new president will face. The militants freed more than 250 prisoners, including 25 "dangerous terrorists," officials said.

The expected victor in the election is Mamnoon Hussain, a textile businessman who has been a longtime member of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-N party and briefly served as the governor of southern Sindh province in 1999.

Pakistan's largely ceremonial president is not elected by popular vote, but by lawmakers in the Senate, National Assembly and the assemblies of the four provinces. The PML-N has a very strong position because it won majorities in the National Assembly and the assembly of Pakistan's most populous province, Punjab, in June, all but assuring that Hussain will win the vote.

Local TV channels showed lawmakers from the various assemblies voting on Tuesday morning. The election should be completed sometime in the afternoon.

"The election is more or less a settled issue," said Pakistani political analyst Hasan Askari Rizvi. "There is no excitement in it because it has become a one-sided affair, and the powers of the president are very limited and nominal."

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will remain the most powerful figure in the civilian government in Pakistan, a key ally for the United States in battling Islamic militants and negotiating an end to the war in neighboring Afghanistan.

Controversy broke out last week when the Supreme Court agreed to a request by the PML-N to move forward the election - originally scheduled for August 6 - because some lawmakers wanted to travel to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage during the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

The country's former ruling party, the Pakistan People's Party, which has the second highest number of seats in the National Assembly, announced that it would boycott the presidential election in response to the court's ruling. The PPP complained that the judges ruled without hearing from the opposition, and the new election date didn't give the party enough time to campaign.

The court's decision sparked criticism from outside the party as well from critics who have long warned about the Supreme Court's tendency to overreach. They argued that the decision about the election date should have been left to the country's election commission, which originally scheduled the vote for August 6.

The party's decision to boycott could affect the perceived legitimacy of the election, although Hussain was still expected to win even if the PPP fielded a candidate. The only other person running in the election is Wajihuddin Ahmed, a retired Sindh High Court judge nominated by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, led by former cricket star Imran Khan.

Hussain was born to an Urdu-speaking industrialist family in 1940 in the Indian city of Agra. His family settled in Karachi, the capital of Sindh province, after Pakistan was carved out of British India in 1947, and set up a textile business there. He earned a Masters in Business Administration from the Institute of Business Administration in Karachi in 1965 and joined the family business before graduation.

Hussain served as governor of Sindh for about four months in 1999, but otherwise has not been a prominent figure in national politics.

"Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif likes to bring in political nonentities so he is the center of power and in the limelight," said Rizvi, the analyst. "So I don't think this new president will be attracting much attention or creating much excitement."

If elected, Hussain will replace the current president, Asif Ali Zardari, whose five-year term ends on Sept. 8. Zardari rose to power after his wife, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, was killed in a gun and bomb attack in Dec. 2007. He was elected president in 2008 after the PPP swept to victory in elections, riding a wave of sympathy after Bhutto's assassination.

Zardari has been a contentious figure as president and has often battled with both the powerful army and the Supreme Court.

His biggest accomplishment is widely seen as guiding Pakistan's first civilian government to finish its full five-year term and transfer power in democratic elections in a country plagued by military coups. He did this by building and maintaining the coalitions needed to keep power. He also agreed to a constitutional amendment that transferred many of the president's powers to the prime minister, leaving his position as largely ceremonial.

But Zardari's government is widely perceived to have done little to address the major problems facing the country, especially the pervasive electricity shortages that crippled Pakistan's economy and left some people without power for up to 20 hours per day.

"Zardari's government had absolutely poor performance as far as governance was concerned, and there was a serious reputation problem because of corruption allegations," said Rizvi. "Zardari will be remembered as a quite a controversial president, but a major survivor."

The army launched major operations against the Pakistani Taliban during Zardari's tenure, but the group has proven resilient and continues to stage frequent attacks against security personnel and civilians.

The attack on the prison late Monday night occurred in the town of Dera Ismail Khan, which is located near Pakistan's semiautonomous tribal region, the main sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida militants in the country.


Associated Press writer Zarar Khan contributed to this report.


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Gunman's death ends Florida apartment shootout

Seven people died, including the gunman, who rampaged through a South Florida apartment complex before taking hostages. ?He was shot and killed by SWAT when negotiations broke down.

By Christine Armario,?The Associated Press / July 27, 2013

Hialeah police block off the street where Saturday's shooting occurred. Seven people died, including the gunman, when an armed man began shooting inside an apartment complex.

Alan Diaz/AP


A gunman holding hostages inside a South Florida apartment complex killed six people before being shot to death by a SWAT team that stormed the building early Saturday following an hours-long standoff, police said.

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Sgt. Eddie Rodriguez told The Associated Press that police got a call around 6:30 p.m. Friday that shots had been fired in a building with dozens of apartments in Hialeah, a few miles north of Miami.

Rodriguez said that when police arrived, they discovered an active shooter situation: "He's inside the building, moving from floor to floor. Eventually he barricades himself in an apartment."

A crisis team was able to briefly establish communication with the man. Rodriguez said negotiators and a SWAT team tried talking with him from the other side of the door of an apartment unit where he was holding two hostages.

But Rodriguez said the talks eventually "just fell apart." Officers stormed the building, fatally shooting the gunman in an exchange of gunfire.

"They made the decision to go in there and save and rescue the hostages," Rodriguez said. Both hostages survived. Rodriguez said he didn't have any information on how long negotiations lasted.

He said police discovered two people, a male and female, shot to death in the hallway in front of one unit. Three more, a male and two females, were found shot and killed in another apartment on a different floor. Another man who was walking his children into an apartment across the street also was killed. Rodriguez said it wasn't immediately clear whether the gunman took aim at him from an upper-level balcony or if he was hit by a stray bullet.

Zulima Niebles said police told her that three of her family members were among the victims. She said her sister Merly Sophia Niebles, her sister's husband, and her sister's daughter Priscila Perez, 16, were all shot and killed.

Zulima Niebles' husband, Agustin Hernandez, was moving the family's things out of the apartment building and into his car Saturday. Among them were several photos, one showing the teen girl smiling in a red graduation gown, another of his sister-in-law in a white dress, wearing pearls.

Marcela Chavarri, director of the American Christian School, said Priscila Perez, 16, was about to enter her senior year at the school.

"She was a lovely girl," Chavarri said through tears. "She was always happy and helping her classmates."

Officials were not identifying the gunman or victims. Rodriguez said police were still investigating.

Neighbor Fabian Valdes, who lives across the street from the site of the standoff, said he heard shots fired and then looked out his window and saw a man lying on the floor, outside the front lobby. He was on his back and had his arms and legs outstretched.

Valdes said he was in shock. "It's something you never expect," he said.

In Hialeah ? a suburb of about 230,000 residents, about three-quarters of whom are Cuban or Cuban-American ? the entrance to the quiet neighborhood lined with apartment buildings was blocked off early Saturday.

The standoff occurred in an aging beige five-story building with an open terrace in the middle. The apartment where neighbors said the shooting started was charred, the door and ceiling immediately outside burned black.

Miriam Valdes, 70, said she lives on the top floor ? one floor above where the shooting began. She said she heard gunfire and later saw smoke entering her apartment.

She described running in fear to the unit across the hall, where she stayed holed up as officers negotiated with the gunman.

From the apartment, Valdes said she could hear about eight officers talking with the gunman.

She said she heard the officers tell him to "let these people out."

"We're going to help you," she said they told him.

She said the gunman first asked for his girlfriend and then his mother but refused to cooperate.

Ester Lazcano said she lives two doors down from where the shooting began and was in the shower when she heard the first shots. Then there were many more.

"I felt the shots," she said.

Neighbors said the gunman lived in the building with his mother, but police wouldn't confirm that information.

Rodriguez said police were still investigating identities of victims and the gunman, as well as a possible motive.

"Investigators are talking with families of the victims, neighbors, people that were present when all this began," he said. "That way we can start to piece together this huge puzzle that we're working with."


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Mali heads to polls for 'fresh start' vote

By David Lewis and Tiemoko Diallo

BAMAKO (Reuters) - Voters in Mali headed to the polls on Sunday in a presidential election it is hoped will they provide a fresh start to a country divided by a coup and a war in its desert north.

Candidates wound up campaigns promising reconstruction and reconciliation but, underscoring security fears despite a successful French offensive against al Qaeda-linked fighters, an Islamist group threatened to attack polling stations.

Separatist and Islamist rebels swept across the desert north of the former French colony last year shortly after soldiers ousted the president.

Thousands of French troops halted a rebel advance in January and United Nations peacekeepers are deploying to stabilize the broken nation. A successful vote on Sunday would take the gold-producing country another step towards recovery.

"I love my country. I want change and security," said Nina Traore, 28, the first person to vote at a polling centre the Aminata Diop school in the capital Bamako's Lafiabougou neighborhood.

Voters arrived early and long queues formed at many of the 21,000 polling stations across the Mali, from the bustling, lush riverside capital in the south to the remote desert garrison town of Kidal, which was at the heart of last year's rebellion.

However, the official 0800 GMT opening of polls was delayed in many voting centers as election workers awaited the last-minute delivery of voting materials.

"We need this election - it is critical," said Abdrahamane Toure, a postal worker who came to the Lafiabougou voting centre a day early on Saturday to check where he would vote.

"Once we have a legitimate state back, things might start getting better," he added.

In a sign of last-minute preparations, residents were still lining up to collect newly-printed ID cards that they will have to show in order to vote. Authorities also instructed some 6.8 million eligible voters how to find their polling stations by sending SMS messages to designated numbers.

Most of the front-runners are established political figures over the last 20 years of Malian politics so there is little likelihood of a radical overhaul.

Two former prime ministers - Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, known universally as IBK, and Modibo Sidibe - are expected to be among the top finishers.

Soumaila Cisse, a respected economist, former finance minister and native of the region of Timbuktu, is also among the leading candidates. Dramane Dembele, chosen as candidate of Mali's largest party, ADEMA, could appeal to youth voters.

In the run-up to the vote, experts had warned that a rushed election might lead to challenges and further crises.

But election officials say they have distributed 85 percent of the ID cards and a free and fair race in a field of 26 men and one women could take place. A second round will take place on August 11 if no candidate wins over 50 percent of the vote.

Louis Michel, head of the European Union's election observer mission, said he was "positively surprised" by preparations and that the conditions for the vote were acceptable.

"A month ago, there were a lot of doubts. But it has come together. Everyone realizes that this interim government has to end as its inherent fragility and uncertainty has been so costly for Mali," said U.S. Ambassador Mary Beth Leonard.


Before last year's collapse, Mali, a poor nation straddling the south of the Sahara, had built up a reputation for stability and become Africa's No. 3 gold producer.

Donors who slashed aid after the coup have promised more than 3 billion euros in reconstruction assistance after the election.

The new president will have to oversee peace talks with separatist Tuareg rebels who have agreed to allow the vote to take place in areas they operate in but have yet to lay down their arms.

France is hoping a successful vote will allow it to scale down its military presence in Mali from around 3,000 troops currently. A 12,600-strong U.N. mission is rolling out.

While there have been few counter-attacks by Islamists since they were scattered from their northern strongholds, MUJWA, one of the groups that occupied Mali's north last year, on Saturday threatened to attack polling stations.

"Places of the so-called election will be a target for the strikes of the Mujaahideen," Mauritania's Nouakchoute News Agency quoted the group as saying in a statement.

The group also warned what it called the Muslims of Mali against taking part in the elections and urged them to stay away.

(Additional reporting by Sami Aboudi and Adama Diarra; Writing by David Lewis and Joe Bavier; Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)


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Monday, July 29, 2013

Rockland man arrested after alleged assault with baseball bat

ROCKLAND, Maine ? A 36-year-old Rockland man is accused of attacking another man with a baseball bat.

Samuel Sanchez was arrested Sunday and charged with Class A elevated aggravated assault, according to Rockland Deputy Police Chief Wally Tower.

Police were called to the Brunswick Rooms apartments on Main Street shortly after 11 a.m. Sunday, the deputy chief said. The victim was an adult male who was taken by Rockland ambulance to Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport.

The victim suffered multiple injuries. Tower said he has heard that the victim has since been released from the hospital.

The reason for the attack has not yet been released.

Sanchez is being held at the Knox County Jail in Rockland on $50,000 cash bail. He is scheduled to make his initial court appearance Monday afternoon in Rockland District Court.


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Derek Jeter HRs on 1st pitch in return to Yankees

NEW YORK (AP) ? Derek Jeter returned to the New York Yankees' lineup ? again ? with customary flair, making an immediate impact on a team desperate for power.

Jeter homered on the first pitch he saw from Tampa Bay's Matt Moore, connecting Sunday soon after being activated from the disabled list for the second time this month.

"It was fun ? I'm tired," Jeter said. "I worked hard to try to get back on the field."

The captain's drive ended the Yankees' nine-game homerless drought and helped them beat the Rays 6-5 to avoid a three-game sweep. It was New York's first long ball by a right-hander since June 25.

Jeter received a loud ovation and came out for a very quick curtain call, waving his cap from the next-to-top step of the Yankees dugout.

"Derek provided a lot of spark for them," Rays manager Joe Maddon said.

The 13-time All-Star played shortstop for the first time this season and went 2 for 4 with an intentional walk and two runs scored. He was on base for Alfonso Soriano's two-run drive in the third and for his game-winning hit in the bottom of the ninth.

"A lot of great memories here with Sori," he said of his teammate from 1999 to 2003, "and it was almost like old times."

To make room for Jeter, the Yankees placed designated hitter Travis Hafner on the disabled list with a right rotator cuff strain. Hafner has slumped to a .205 average. He hit the last of his 12 homers on June 25, a span of 67 at-bats.

Jeter had his much-anticipated return July 11 ? as the designated hitter ? after missing the Yankees' first 91 games because of a twice broken ankle. He was first injured during the opener of the AL championship series in October.

But he sustained a Grade 1 strain of his right quadriceps running out a groundball against Kansas City and went right back on the DL.

Fourth in the AL East, the Yankees went 4-8 during his second absence and are 55-50. New York has scored fewer runs than all but three teams in the American League this season.

"Hopefully I can help in any way, but we need contributions from a lot of people," Jeter said beforehand. "It's not like I'm some savior coming in here all of a sudden we're just going to start winning."

Manager Joe Girardi hopes he'll be penciling the Yankees' career hits leader in the batting order nearly every day from now on.

"It changes our lineup. There's no doubt about that," he said. "And just his presence is important to this club. It's been important for such a long time."

A favorable schedule should help keep Jeter playing every day at the start. The Yankees have off days Monday and Thursday next week, then only play six games before their next open day.

Girardi said he's been preaching a cautious approach for Jeter when he runs the bases, at least in the first few games of his comeback, to protect the leg.

And despite having difficulty embracing the concept before the game, Jeter appeared to hold back a bit running out to grounders.

Jeter still wasn't endorsing the style of play afterward.

"I don't want to learn how to do it. I understand I have to do it, especially the first week or two," he said. "I feel awful doing it. I don't like doing it. I hope nobody watches me do it."

A career .313 hitter, Jeter was eligible to come off the disabled list Saturday but the Yankees instead had him participate in a simulated game that was shrouded in secrecy.

The location of the workout was not disclosed until after the Yankees' 1-0 loss to the Rays.

"I don't know, it wasn't my idea. They needed to see some things," Jeter said. "Evidently they saw what they needed to see."

NOTES: RHP David Phelps (forearm strain) said he will make his second rehab start Tuesday, for Double-A Trenton. ... Injured INF 3B Jayson Nix (strained right hamstring) should be activated when the Yankees visit the Dodgers on Tuesday.


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Rick Warren returns to pulpit after son's suicide

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Nearly four months after his son's suicide, popular pastor Rick Warren returned to the pulpit Saturday afternoon at the Southern California megachurch he founded.

Warren, dressed in his usual casual black T-shirt and jeans, took the stage at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif. with wife, Kay Warren, and was greeted with a long standing ovation by the congregation.

A shout of "We love you!" came from the crowd before Warren began.

"I love you, too," a smiling Warren replied. "Have I told you lately that I love you?"

It was the first time Warren had taken the Saddleback pulpit since his 27-year-old son Matthew shot and killed himself on April 5.

In the sermon, first in a series called "How To Get Through What You're Going Through," Rick Warren said he had the perfect role model for his struggles.

"God knows what it's like to lose a son," Warren said.

He remained mostly composed, but choked back tears at times, including when he thanked his surviving two children.

"How proud I was of Amy and Josh, who for 27 years loved their younger brother," Warren said. "They talked him off the ledge time after time. They are really my heroes."

He delivered a formal, prepared speech with notes and quotes from Scripture but often broke off to talk frankly about his son.

"I was in shock for at least a month after Matthew took his life," Warren said.

But, Warren said he was grateful to come from "a family of spiritual redwoods."

"Satan picked the wrong team to pick on," he said.

Warren has been an essential figure in the modern, megachurch brand of Christianity.

His multimillion-selling book "The Purpose Driven Life" made him a national star in the realms of religion and self-help, and he delivered the opening prayer at President Barack Obama's 2009 inauguration.

Saddleback, the church he founded in 1980, has grown to 20,000 members, according to Warren's biography on the church's website.

But in April, Matthew Warren, after a lifetime of struggle with depression, shot and killed himself in what Warren at the time called "a momentary wave of despair."

"For 27 years I prayed every day of my life for God to heal my son's mental illness," Warren said.

But Warren said Saturday that he intended to turn his grief into a message of service and hope.

"God wants to take your greatest sorrow and turn it into your life's greatest message," he said.


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